Thursday, February 11, 2010

MSExchangeIS Automatic Start When Migrating from SBS2003 to SBS2008

When migrating from Windows Small Business Server 2003 to Windows Small Business Server 2008 you may find that the Exchange Information Store Service does not start automatically on the destination server after installing Windows SBS 2008. Because SBS 2008 is a global catalog server, when Exchange 2007 installed on a GC, some services like: Microsoft Exchange System Attendant, Microsoft Exchange Information Store may not start automatically, which is normal.

The cause of the issue is that Exchange services depend on following Windows Services:

Event Log
NT LM Security Support Provider
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

When any of these service do not start before Exchange tries to start Exchange services, the Exchange Information Store service cannot be started. You can either change the service dependencies, or you can add BootPause registry key to delay the startup of Exchange Server. Microsoft provides instructions to perform these steps in the following knowledge base article:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Free Virtualization Event: Virtualization Untangled - March 18th, 2010

RoseBud Presents - Virtualization Untangled - Join us for this free event - Earn CPE Credit

March 18th, 2010 11:30-1:00p.m.. Held at the offices of Bennett-Thrasher in Atlanta.

Virtualization is unquestionably one of the hottest trends in information technology today. This is no accident. While a variety of technologies fall under the virtualization umbrella, all of them are changing the IT world in significant ways.

This overview introduces Microsoft’s virtualization technologies, focusing on three areas: hardware virtualization, presentation virtualization, and application virtualization. Since every technology, virtual or otherwise, must be effectively managed, this discussion also looks at Microsoft’s management products for a virtual world. The goal is to make clear what these offerings do, describe a bit about how they do it, and show how they work together.

Free Windows 7 shirt for all who register.

Register here: